Hunstanton on a windy overcast day

February 25, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I hadn't found much time to get out and shoot landscapes for quite some time, so off to the Norfolk coastline I headed. Even though it was overcast, windy and the sky appeared quite featureless - generally just drab - I still felt it was worth the effort. I was surprised by the amount of people about on Old Hunstanton where I had chosen to go (even though it was half term at the local schools, it was a miserable day and not one for a trip to the beach), so I had to work around that, and even included people in one photo. I also decided the photos had to be edited as black and white, monochrome seemed to fit the day, the conditions and the subject perfectly. I was quite pleased with the final results, and I plan on shooting landscapes far more often.....

Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_12Old Hunstanton Beach Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_9Old Hunstanton Beach Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_2Old Hunstanton Beach Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_3Old Hunstanton Beach Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_5Old Hunstanton Beach Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_11Old Hunstanton Beach Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_14Old Hunstanton Beach

Old Hunstanton BeachHUN_2019_8Old Hunstanton Beach


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